Sunday 13 September 2020

More than enough for us


Father of kindness,

You are a God of relationship

Who loves to gather us, to connect us, to reconcile us to you and to each other

Thank you that we are able to gather together today as the body of Christ,

Here in this room and further afield through technology

We pray for those among us, or who we know, who are in particular need of

Your abundance and generosity today

For those who are worried they don’t have enough to get through this week ...

For those people, may there be enough … enough courage, enough strength, enough generosity, enough patience, enough material resources, enough healing, enough wisdom, enough hope, enough love

May there be enough.

We pray for the situations in our world that we hear about on the news that can be troubling to us

For America, for its current state of unrest and for the devastating bushfires, for China and its relations with other nations, for India, and the many other countries, including our own, who are working out how best to  manage covid 19 with all the vast challenges and grief that it brings.

May there be enough … enough courage, enough strength, enough generosity, enough patience, enough healing, enough material resources, enough wisdom, enough hope, enough love

May there be enough.

We are your church and you bid us, over and over, not to fear, but to walk forward, filled with your spirit, enabled to do and to be whatever it is you call us into.

Wherever we are worshipping, wherever we are praying right now

Whatever is happening

You are our marvelous, faithful, gracious, Yes and Amen God

Thank you that you are more than enough for us.
