Friday 3 April 2015

Alleluia on Easter morning!

Lord Jesus!
You loved us, even in our unloveliness.
You showed us that on Friday.

In your birth and through  your life and in your death
You have made yourself known to us.
Our God isn’t one who stands off and watches from afar.
You are no fence sitter God.
You are in amongst it with us.

You have power over the natural world
You might have found another way
To bring us close to God
But you chose not to.
You chose death.
And in choosing it you took all its power away.

The Son of God
made himself weak
and laid down his body
to give us strength and life and health and hope.

Alleluia, Son of God in the body of a carpenter,
Who calls us by name and knows us as brother and sister and friend!

Alleluia, all powerful  Son of God,
King of Kings, Teacher and Lord!

Lamb of God,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.

Lamb of God,
We worship you.
For the Lord God almighty reigns.
