Saturday 5 December 2015

The Lord our peace

Yahweh Shalom – The Lord our peace
We praise you.

We don’t need to tell you that our world is troubled
Bushfires and loss
Wars and rumours of wars
Sickness, violence

El Roi – God of seeing
You already know.

We don’t need to tell you that we long for peace, peace for our community, peace for our world
But even in our own homes, even in our own minds, peace isn’t always to be found.

El Roi – God of seeing
You already know.

Peace is not easy,
Peace can be costly
even for you.

In these weeks of Advent we await again with joy the birth of the prince of peace
Knowing that in only a few months we will be experiencing the grief of Good Friday,

But you are Yahweh Shalom
The Lord our Peace
Your thoughts are not our thoughts,
    nor are your ways our ways
Yahweh Shalom
The author, architect and perfecter of peace
With you there is often a way through
A secret tunnel to forgiveness
A hidden doorway to reconciliation
An overgrown and unexpected path to a new and better way through

Help us to keep our eyes peeled for them

Peace is who you are
Peace is what you want for us
Peace is what you bring
Our hopes for peace are in the best possible hands.
For this we praise and thank you.


Saturday 7 November 2015

Thank you God that you are so very good

Prayer of praise

Thank you God that you are so very good.
Full of love and always wanting the best for your people and your creation
Thank you that you know us and notice  us.
We praise you for giving us life itself
and all that we need to live and to grow
We thank you for giving us the gift of each other
- a place to belong

Thank you for giving us the gift of freedom
Thank you that shared your life with us
You showed us how to live the very best life that could be lived
And then you gave life up
Until bursting forth again
Full of life
You beat death forever
So that we could live lives that are truly alive.

Christ is risen, he’s risen indeed
May our lives, on the good days and the bad days
The struggling days and the joyful days
The broken days and the beautiful days
Tell of your life in us
And our life in you
May our lives tell of your goodness to us
In Jesus’ name,

Saturday 6 June 2015

That's what you're like

God, we praise you for who you are
We are grateful for what you’re like

The solid rock when the whole world is shaking
The fresh air when the room is stifling
That’s what you’re like.

Warm sun on our back when the week has been wintry
Fresh shoots when everything seems to be withering
This is what you’re like.

Good food when there’s been too much junk food
Cool clear water when all other options are full of artificial colours and flavours and sweeteners and preservatives
That’s what you’re like.

The familiar voice when home is distant
The still small voice when the world is yelling at us
This is what you’re like.

God, we praise you for who you are
We are grateful for what you’re like

So in the light of all of that
We don’t know why we find ourselves pursuing things that aren’t like you
Or are the opposite of you
Why do we let ourselves get lured in by things that diminish us, or tire us out for no good reason;
Things that waste our time and resources.
But sometimes we do.

We’re sorry Lord.

Help us each day to keep an eye out for you
To find you
To follow you.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Friday 3 April 2015

Alleluia on Easter morning!

Lord Jesus!
You loved us, even in our unloveliness.
You showed us that on Friday.

In your birth and through  your life and in your death
You have made yourself known to us.
Our God isn’t one who stands off and watches from afar.
You are no fence sitter God.
You are in amongst it with us.

You have power over the natural world
You might have found another way
To bring us close to God
But you chose not to.
You chose death.
And in choosing it you took all its power away.

The Son of God
made himself weak
and laid down his body
to give us strength and life and health and hope.

Alleluia, Son of God in the body of a carpenter,
Who calls us by name and knows us as brother and sister and friend!

Alleluia, all powerful  Son of God,
King of Kings, Teacher and Lord!

Lamb of God,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.

Lamb of God,
We worship you.
For the Lord God almighty reigns.
