Saturday 27 February 2016

Effortlessly, overwhelmingly, abundantly good

Prayer of praise and thanksgiving

Our hearts cry out to you O God
For you are truly good
And only you are the source of all that we need

On our best days
we have our excellent moments
But it’s so hard for us  
To do even the best things
In the best way
or for the right reasons

And then there are our less than best days.

But you are different
You are good
Every moment
Of every day
Through and through

How beautiful it is
To find ourselves in the presence
Of One who
Welcomes us
Holds us
Blesses us
Loves us
Knows us
Calls to us
Whoever we are
Whatever we have done or not done

A lighthouse guiding the way in stormy seas
The rock that does not move when the ground we stand on feels shaky
The sun that is always still burning even when our part of the world seems dark
As close to us as the air that we breathe
Always there whenever we turn our hearts to you

Blessed be You our God
Who formed the universe
And wants to transform each of us
So that we may freely, fruitfully and joyfully walk in your ways
