Saturday 24 September 2016

Social Justice Sunday Prayer of praise and confession

Great God
Creator of the universe
You see to the ends of distant galaxies
Yet you hear the cry of the newest baby and delight in the smile of the oldest person living on our planet.

The things you must see each day!
In one place creation bursting into glorious new life
And in another place the earth groaning and aching
through natural disaster or human ambition and lack of understanding.

Each day you must see people filling you with delight
And people breaking your heart

We know you can do anything
Nothing is impossible with you
Some of us have seen it in our own lives
And we’ve heard stories of it

And yet we don’t understand why you don’t act when you could
Because our ways are not your ways.

Thank you for the freedom you give us
Thank you for giving us choices

And we’re sorry when we use our freedom to make stupid choices
When we think only of ourselves and don’t notice who else misses out

We’re sorry for our hurtful words or hurtful silences
We’re sorry when we only think about what’s in our immediate circle
And don’t think about who is further afield

We’re sorry when what we do or don’t do is unfair.

Help us to remember that we don’t have to do everything and be everywhere
But instead to notice and to be alert to where you want us to be
To where your Spirit is blowing us. Because that’s where true life lies.

We are made in your image
Grow us to be more like you.

We put ourselves in your hands
Shape us
Make us
Lead us
We who have glimpsed your Kingdom, may our lives show others a glimpse of it too by who we are and what we have been given and how we share all of that with our world.
